Let’s bring it back

Aumilk is a sincere attempt to bring the Original A2 Milk back to the dining table. One which is sourced from our indigenous Gir Cows and not the Exotic ones, from cows which graze in open Green Pastures, are Grass-fed and not stall fed, where milk is full of Nutrition and not adulteration and where Cows are kept in a Cruelty-Free environment, are revered & treated as part of the family and not just as milking machines.

Why Our A2 Milk
Aumilk is an epitome of Purity & Freshness. Every bottle is a fine blend of Taste & Nutrition. Fresh Milk, from the finest of Gir Cows grazing in Organic Pastures, is chilled to 4°C, bottled and delivered at your doorstep within hours of milking so you can enjoy the taste of fresh natural milk.

Why our Bilona Ghee
Aumilk Bilona Ghee is made from Raw A2 Milk of pure bred Gir Cows. These cows graze in vast green pastures throughout the year making the Milk and Ghee highly nutritious.